Neil Glover
Angus Macdonald
Session Clerk
Geoff Davis
Associate member and Ministry team member
Dorothy Edwards & Adrian Ewer
Finance Team
Angela Hanvey
CAP Debt Centre Manager
Anna & Tom Sibbald
Warm Connections Energy Advisors
Meg Dougall
Sunday School
Isabelle Macdonald
Prayer Group & Warm Welcome Cafe
Katie Allstaff
Town Housegroup & Blythswood Shoe Box Appeal
Franny McGrath
Lorna Nicol
Safeguarding & Strath Housegroup
Ken Allstaff
Shoot the Breeze mens group
Annette Macdonald & Jane Parmenter
Quilting group
Grace Steele
Associate Elder
Elders – Angus Macdonald, Isabelle Macdonald, Bruce Strickland, Christa Strickland, Ken Allstaff, Hamish Dougall, Nick Lunan, Ruth Lunan, Kate Scott, Harriet Gray, Tom Sibbald, Liz McCruden