Trying to wrestle with the crocodiles and hippos of what has become one of my favourite books.
This was based on Exodus 31, and preached in Logeirait.
There have been books and books written on this- what it is to be saved (including a chapter in my own forthcoming book) – here is the text for the Weem version of the sermon – who knows if the Logierait version will bear any comparison.
This is on Paul and Silas escaping from the Philippine jail – what does jail mean, what did that story mean, and a remarkable and miraculous story from the Church in China.
Sermons have been unwritten and verbal affairs for a while. This one’s a bit more literary (a bit) – on the friend at midnight and thanks as ever to Kenney Bailley’s commentary on Luke’s Gospel, the Parables and Middle-Eastern village life.
A last sermon for the year, taking in Ramah, Bethlehem, and difficult stories.
Goodness, this has been a while – here is a sermon, with a few thoughts on Mary, and sensing the awe.
It’s been a while – a short address on seeds.
Thinking through ethics, and what is the good.
The energy of Jesus’ mission here, the role for the disciples, the way the field belongs to him. This is on Matthew 9:27-38
I was surprised at how much of this story is about the reaction of Elisha, going through loss and grief and the possibility of the new.
Here he is, with everything seemingly undone, meeting God in surprising silence.
The trust, the struggle, the gospel moment.
I love the stories of Elijah… here is the provocative story of the widow’s son.
On John 14:15-24 – this is a very rough Monday draft – it will be completely different on Wednesday, and possibly by Sunday look something like this again.
This is on John 14 – processing the aftermath of Easter by thinking about the beforemath.
Of Easter, we look at John 10, the Good Shepherd, and the shepherd psalm which came before it.
Writing this in the depths of Maundy Thursday, this is where we are headed.
Palm Sunday is a Victory Parade – with a donkey. and the Longer Version for Sunday morning.
This is a reflection on Jesus’ Prayer in John Chapter 17.
Here’s the Friday version of The seed… a favourite text, deeply significant.
This will be the sermon in Logierait – or at least this is the Friday version. Mary anointing Jesus at Bethany in John 12.
An opening prayer, and we’re there – except we’re not. On arriving at the destination and discovering there is another summit to be climbed.
There is the sabotage, and then there is the internal reform. Edwin Friedman and Frederick Barth featuring heavily.
The goldsmiths, the perfume makers, the daughters, the dodgy bosses – the story of the building is the story of the builders. And with a opening prayer.
The risk of it, the energy of it, the boldness, the first move, the journey, the gathering, the decision….
I have an interesting relationship with Nehemiah – some parts I love, some of the later parts are very troubling. But his is a text for renewal (which includes renewal of buildings – because buildings are walls are not just bricks, they are places of sanctuary), and so this is part 1 – praying the problem, not selling the solution. Here’s also the opening prayer for Weem.
God’s surprise, it disturbs and topples and makes room for newness.
The great reversals, from generation to generation, with Mary.
Christmas prep with fiery John… the disrupter who believes everyone can change.
Here is a coming to terms with Advent, and why the first Advent readings aren’t very Christmassy.
Oh Paul, Paul, Paul – you are still making us think about hard things, saying them in ways which seem more than difficult to put into practice, what are you telling us here? What are we do to do? Sermon on 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 (and parts of chapter 6 as well)
On the weapons of our warfare, and the spirit powers of conflict. Based on the armour of God in Ephesians 6. Sermon is here.
Paul being a fool for Christ, and a slightly rejected parent, and how these images can create a more nuanced vision of leadership… 1 Corinthians 4:8-16 is the text, and the sermon is here.
Some thoughts on the building metaphor in 1 Corinthians 3…
What was it that Paul did in Corinth that enabled people to grow, what was that wholehearted ministry that he completely gave himself to, that somehow seems to complete and full blooded compared to the way in which we too often live. This is on 1 Corinthians 3:1-9.
This is us continuing in Corinthians – looking at the word of the cross which destroys all the powers and ranks and privileges of this world, and demands that we walk in our brokenness, and in community where such things count for nothing – because they are nothing; it is the weak and the unknown of the world who become something – this is 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:9.
Division and Unity in Corinth – based on 1 Corinthians 1:10-17
We begin our series on 1 Corinthians, first of all looking at Call and Gift, Grace and Peace. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the dust with Jacob and is it a man, is it God, is it angel, is a mass of bodies, who is speaking and when, and how he is blessed. There’s also the opening prayer here.
Into August and still Grace and Genesis – with this reflection on the tower.
It’s been the curious grace of Genesis this past while – first of all with Cain and Abel and the Babbadook, and then with Noah this coming Sunday – the 31st – a joint service with folks from Strathtay and Logierait and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church.
This is Paul on the Damascus Road in Acts 9 – the sermon which will be preached in Strathtay on 10th July. The holiday club sermon will be a bit different.
This is the story of a famous pairing – Psalm 130 and Romans 3. Forgiveness through the gift of Jesus.
We’re beginning a three part series in the Psalms – Psalm 107, 130 and 48
So this week it’s Psalm 107 and the story of Hesed
This was at Tenandry, on Romans 8 and St Francis.
On the remarkable sermon of Peter in Acts 2. and yearning for the Holy Spirit, even when we are presbyterians
It’s Christian jail breaks this week – God who loves to break the bars, shatters the stocks, open the locks.
Here it is – a latest draft of this Sunday on Cornelius in Acts 10 and 11 – I love this story, the more I’ve studied it, the more I’ve loved it. Especially for folks who might not make it on Sunday due to the Etape flying through the Parish.
(Note that this sermon was updated on the morning of the 15th, an earlier version was up prior to that).
Once again, it’s been a while. Apologies if you’ve been refreshing this page since the 24th March.
This is the forthcoming sermon on Tabitha/Dorcas from Acts 9:36-43 – the only “discipless” in the New Testament. It will be preached at Strathtay.
Here is the sermon on In Rest You Shall Be Saved
Here is the sermon on Lamentations and the Ukraine.
Goodness, it’s been a while since this has been updated – apologies if you’ve been waiting.
Today’s sermon drew a lot of inspiration from the story of Louie Zamperini, and his prayer for help in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
You can read Louie’s biography by ordering from the Watermill here, or from Eden.
Here’s the opening prayer, the sermon, and the prayer for others which took a nautical theme (inspired by amongst other things the work of the Sailor’s society and the incredible work they do supporting sailors). – Neil
Carrying on our series from Brian McLaren’s naked spirituality
Here is this Sunday on “Thanks”
And here is last Sunday’s sermon which combines the words “O!” and “Here”
Turning the water into wine – the emptiness, the shame, the brilliant wine
And a prayer for the beginning of the year.
The Surprise, The Gift, The Change, The Story – on the brilliance of Mary.
An advent prayer inspired by the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah.
And some thoughts on Zechariah’s struggle to believe and his song.
On Paul’s (hyper)eager yearning for the Thessalonians and for the return of Christ and the saints…