Hall Booking

Contact Info:


We are really keen to ensure our halls can be let to community groups and individuals.


We have updated our Terms and Conditions of Hire which can be found by clicking on the link below.

We strongly advise as a potential user that you read the update carefully. In brief, the main changes are as follows: –

  • The Hiring Organisational Leader must undertake their own risk assessment for managing risks arising from their own activities when they have control of the premises.
  • Hand sanitisers are available in the rooms and their use is recommended


Documentations to include with your booking

  • You must obtain any local authority or other licence you need for your event.  We do not normally permit the consumption of or sale of alcohol within or in the grounds of Aberfeldy Parish Church.
  • Insurance – You are responsible for making adequate arrangements to insure against third-party claims while using the premises.  Aberfeldy Parish Church will not accept responsibility for loss or damage to your effects during the period of hire.  Please enclose a copy of your third-party Insurance.
  • A full risk assessment as detailed above must be provided before the booking can be confirmed.
  • If using your own electrical equipment it must have been PAT tested. It should be effectively earthed and fitted with a 3-pin, 13-amp plug. The Centre’s equipment should not be switched on or plugged in without prior written consent.  Please ensure you forward a copy of any certificates.


Terms and Conditions Hall Hire Fees

FAQ for hire of Church halls

Please contact administrator@aberfeldyparishchurch.org and we will be very happy to try and facilitate this for you.